Re: [abc-users] New around weaving strategy

From: Prof. Laurie HENDREN <>
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 13:14:49 BST

Hi Eduardo,

We are still working on several different around strategies. The
inlining you see in 1.1.0 is actually an inlining of the original
classID-shadowID weaving and you will note that the way in which it
inlines is different than in ajc. This does sometimes give a
performance improvement in speed, but at a penalty in space.

When we have some time we will be writing a more detailed paper on
the subject of the around weaver, and introducing yet another variation
and studying in depth the performance of the different strategies.

CHeers. Laurie

| Laurie Hendren ---
| Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Science,
| Dawson Hall, McGill University, 853 Sherbrooke St W,
| Montreal QC H3A 2T6 Canada, 514-398-7179, fax 514-398-1774
| For contact and home page info as Professor, Computer Science:
| ---
| Research:

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Eduardo S. Cordeiro wrote:

> Hello abc developers,
> I've been looking at the code woven by abc version 1.1.0 and I noticed
> that it no longer uses the class_ID - shadow_ID "routing" advice and
> shadows described in the paper "Optimising AspectJ" and on Kuzin's
> master thesis, but rather it inlines the advice code.
> In which cases does abc 1.1.0 prefer to inline? Is the shadow_ID
> strategy still used in circular advice applications? Was there any
> performance gain on your benchmarks with the inlining weaver?
> Thank you and best regards,
> Eduardo Cordeiro
Received on Mon Oct 17 13:14:56 2005

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