Re: [abc-users] abc produces broken class files

From: Pavel Avgustinov <>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:48:18 +0000

Hi Thomas,

Unfortunately I can't reproduce your problem:

% ls
bin src
% abc-ja -verbose -sourceroots src -d classes > /tmp/output.txt
% ls
bin classes src

"abc-ja" is just an alias for "java -Xmx512M abc.main.Main -ext abc.ja". The
output of abc is attached.

Could you send us the (full) output of abc on your machine? How does it differ
from mine?

- P

On Thursday 27 March 2008 06:33:10 Thomas Pawlitzki wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> > That looks really strange; is the project you're trying to compile
> > available for download somewhere?
> I uploaded and you can get it from
> > We'd be happy to fix this issue if we
> > can reproduce it, so any instructions to achieve that would be very
> > welcome...
> I just checked out the latest abc from
> It is Revision 27. The external Projects are in Revision 5025.
> I call the abc from ant as follows:
> <project name="abc">
> <property file=""/>
> <path id="abc.classpath">
> <fileset dir="${abc.lib}">
> <include name="*.jar" />
> </fileset>
> <fileset dir="${abc.extlib}">
> <include name="*.jar" />
> </fileset>
> </path>
> <target name="abc">
> <java fork="true" classname="abc.main.Main" maxmemory="512m">
> <classpath refid="abc.classpath">
> </classpath>
> <arg line="${args}" />
> </java>
> </target>
> <target name="build-lobby" description="build-lobby">
> <antcall target="abc">
> <param name="args" value="-verbose -ext abc.ja -classpath
> ${abc.lib}/abc-runtime.jar; -sourceroots ../../java/Lobby/src -d
> lobby/classes" />
> </antcall>
> </target>
> </project>
> Hope this helps. If you need further information please let me know.
> Greetings,
> Thomas

Received on Thu Mar 27 2008 - 10:48:41 GMT

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