Re: [abc-users] precedence conflict with the extension

From: Julian Tibble <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 11:30:06 +0100

On Wed, 2009-05-27 at 12:38 +0900, Kazunori Kawauchi wrote:
> Could you tell me the cause of the difference? Is there any bug on
> extension?

Many thanks for your e-mail. Yes, there is a bug in the 1.3.0 release
of This has already been fixed in the latest development
version of abc.

You can download and compile the latest development version of abc with
the following commands (you will need "svn" and "ant" installed)

To download:
$ svn co
$ cd abc-full

Then, copy some configuration files from their templates:
$ cp abc/ant.settings.template abc/ant.settings
$ cp abc-ja/ant.settings.template abc-ja/ant.settings
$ cp abc-ja-exts/ant.settings.template abc-ja-exts/ant.settings

Then compile:
$ cd abc-ja-exts
$ ant jars

This will take a few minutes, and then the complete version of abc
(with all extensions) will be in:


Received on Wed May 27 2009 - 11:30:03 BST

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