For example, if one were to use the ordinary Java lexical rules, then the expression ``*'' would be tokenized as:
[ op("*"), fp_literal(1.0), Id("Foo"), op("+"), op("."), keyword("new"), op("("), op("."), op(".") op(")")].
However, in pointcuts, the intended lexical structure is quite different and would be tokenized as:
[ IdPat("*1"), op("."), id("Foo"), op("+"), op("."), keyword("new"), op("("), op(".."), op(")")].
Note that ``*1" is an identifier pattern, which matches any identifier ending in 1. Also, the sequence ``+." is recognized as one token, not two. This simplifies the grammar and avoids shift-reduce conflicts. Finally, the sequence ``.." is recognized as one token, which also simplifies the grammar.
Another example of the need for a special lexical structure for pointcuts is given in the definition of the pointcut notKeywords. The ordinary Java lexical rules would tokenize the expression ``*if*..*while*" as:
[ op("*"), keyword("if"), op("*"), op("."), op("."), op("*"), keyword("while"), op("*")].
whereas this expression inside a pointcut has a completely different lexical structure, namely:
[ IdPat("*if*"), op(".."), IdPat("*while*") ] .