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Re: SableCC 3.x project

Hi Etienne,

I use sablecc mainly for modelling, not compiling. It would be neat to
have more control over the node classes that sablecc produces. We've
already discussed attributes. Since this is a wishlist, I'll add them on.
Often it would be useful to be able to declare methods in some of the
superclasses (even Node itself) to save all the casting, when several
inherited classes share the same method names.

If you like, I can maintain the wishlist. I also put a few tools I use
frequently with sablecc on the web. The URL is


Kind regards,


On Tue, 21 Aug 2001,
Etienne M. Gagnon wrote:

> Hi Mariusz, Raif, Xuan,
> and Everybody,
> I think that it is an excellent idea to start collecting a wish-list for
> SableCC 3.x.  Once we have compiled an initial wish-list, I will start
> drafting a project proposal for SableCC 3.x (additionally including my
> own many ideas/wishes and a draft grammar), and submit it to open
> discussion on this list.  Once the objectives are agreed upon, we will
> be in position to make a more precise workplan.
> Unlike SableCC 2.x, which has been mostly a one person project
> (initially, at least), the SableCC 3.x effort will be a collaborative
> effort from the start.  I will (if you agree) continue to lead (and
> contribute largely to) the development effort.  My main objective is to
> keep SableCC as an intuitive yet (more) powerful tool that generates
> robust code.  As always, I remain open to all sugesstions for making
> SableCC a better tool.
> So, if you have any idea you would like to add to the wish-list, simply
> write it down in a message and send it on this list.
> Is there a volunteer that wishes to take care of compiling the
> suggestions?  (I can set up the appropriate SourceForge permissions and
> tools for that person to manage a "public" wish-list document).  I can
> do it myself too, if nobody wants the job...  The important is to send
> your suggestions!
> Thanks,
> Etienne
> --
> Etienne M. Gagnon                               etienne.gagnon@uqam.ca
> SableVM:                                       http://www.sablevm.org/
> SableCC:                                       http://www.sablecc.org/