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Re: another newbie question :-)


My initial assumption that they are stored in Fields is probably
correct, but the reason that I posed this question was that I didn't get
anything when I used getFields() on the SootClass.   I just tested the
getFieldCount() and it returned 1, but the Chain returned by getFields()
has size 0... Do I need to do anything else to get them into the



On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Andreas Martens wrote:

>Hi again,
>I am slowly getting to grips with Soot, and I am managing to create
>classes with constructors, methods, etc...  But now I was wanting to
>both read and create variables in classes, but I don't seem to be able
>to see how and where they are stored...
>Help is, as always, appreciated.

Andreas Martens, DoC, Imperial College
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