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2 things

What's the use of RetInst?
If it represents the ret instruction
then it is useless unless a jsr is
(I have to implement the jsr and ret for my project)

I'm not that familiar about the singleton model.
For me it would mean a single instance of an object and
object representing the same, immutable, data share
the same instance.

If you consider soot.RefType though, a new instance
is returned every time v is invoked even if the
the same class name is provided.  It shouldn't make a difference
in practice, but if you rename class name (for space
saving) then you get into trouble.

Also, types used a lot like String could lead to a lot
of memory used.

current implementation:

    public static RefType v(String className)
        return new RefType(className);

my implementation:

I map names to instances.  And keep a single instance for
each type.

    public static RefType v(String className)

      //return new RefType(className);
      if (nameToRefType.containsKey(className)) {
        //System.out.println("Getting an already created type: " +
        return (RefType) nameToRefType.get(className);
      } else {
        //System.out.println("Creating a new type: " + className);
        RefType type = new RefType(className);
        nameToRefType.put(className, type);
        return type;



David Bélanger
Graduate Student
School of Computer Science
McGill University
Office: MC226

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