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Phantom classes and analysis


I still have a question about phantom classes because I have experienced
the following problem...
I have some classes, which I want to analyze. For retrieving the line
numbers of some methods, I invoke
    JimpleBody body  = (JimpleBody) method.retrieveActiveBody();
to get the body of the methods and then the line numbers of the single
units. So far ok. But now I have the problem, that when I do not include
the JRE into my classpath ("%javahome%\lib\rt.jar" to be precise), then
Soot crashes with an exception telling me that java.lang.Cloneable could
not be found. I mean: Of course it could not be found. But why is Soot
actually trying to resolve that deeply? I thought java.lang.Cloneable
would just be made a phantom class and then this would be ok. But it is
_not_ resolved as phantom class and so cannot be found. Why?


Eric Bodden
University of Kent at Canterbury