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Printing Jimple

>>>>> "vranganath" == Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath <vranganath@cox.net> writes:
    vranganath> Can anybody enlighten me how does one print a
    vranganath> JimpleBody in Soot?  Also, is there a way to
    vranganath> print only the selected methods instead of
    vranganath> printing the whole class?

I don't have any clues about why your attempt to print the whole
class prints nothing at all.  But I have appended a debugging
routine that does successfully print individual Bodies for me.
I call it out of Transform.apply(Body), to dump the internal
representation as selected phases run (the "alreadyDumping" flag
avoids a Heisenberg effect when I also dump CFGs as they are
built).  You could use similar code to print the bodies of
selected methods from a class.

    // soot.Printer itself needs to create a BriefUnitGraph in order
    // to format the text for a method's instructions, so this flag is
    // a hack to avoid dumping graphs that we create in the course of
    // dumping bodies or other graphs.
    private boolean alreadyDumping = false;

    private void dumpBody(Body b, String baseName) {
	alreadyDumping = true;
	try {
	    java.io.PrintWriter out = openBodyFile(b, baseName);
	    soot.Printer.v().printTo(b, out);
	} catch (java.io.IOException e) {
	    // Don't abort execution because of an I/O error, but let
	    // the user know.
	    G.v().out.println("PhaseDumper.dumpBody() caught: " + e.toString());
	alreadyDumping = false;

John Jorgensen		jjorge1@cs.mcgill.ca