Hi! Tonight I was just playing around with your Eclipse plugin and the Jimple Annotation Pack, because I just wanted to step through your paper "Virtual Method Call Resolution for Java" and the examples in there. But already at the first example, I came across a problem: I had CHA on, SPARK off and Jimple Annotation for Callgraphs enabled. Well it did compile and work and was annotated. But: The static types were actually fully resolved and did _not_ actually contain the whole hierarchy, like it's actually supposed to be in CHA (isn't it?). So either I am missing the plot completely here or the CHA implementation can just more than it can or something is wrong with the annotation algorithm... Do you have any ideas? Also I found a bug: If you, by accident, forget to change the output option to "Jimple" but still enable the Jimple Annotation Pack, you get a ClassCastException, which is certainly somehow right, but I still think that a proper error message would be better in that case. Thank you very much, Eric P.S. The code I used is attached.
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