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Re: Extend Jimple keywords

Very good remark! thank you.
we actually use a tool called Java-Jimple-Java compiler (JJJC) and of course it doesn't generate Jimple from class file but directly from java source. That's why I have modified this JJJC in order that it understands my input file. But basically, this tool also uses the jimple library of Soot, that's why I have to modify also in Jimple of Soot!

If I generate jimple from class file, then all the library calls (such as the methods addCase, searchPair in last email) will also be in byte code, then the program will generate a lot of states (state exploision). That's why I want to put these methods in library of jimple and JJJC.

I got your second email about Bandera. You are right! Bandera is a tool that I want to intergrate my language. I have modified its grammar (using sablecc) and now I try to introduce the new keywords (in jimple) for my language.

If you still have any question, please tell me.
Thank you for your quick answer, it helps me alot.

Navindra Umanee wrote:

VO Duc Duy <duy.voduc@epfl.ch> wrote:

I am using jimple in my project (integration of our synchonous java language to Bandera), but the input file is not 100% java syntax, it has some new keywords, so I have to extend jimple in order to cover my keywords.

How are you producing Jimple from Java code in general? Are you using some kind of Java2Jimple frontend? Are you expecting to output bytecode with your extended Jimple?

The reason I ask is that, typically in Soot, Jimple would be generated
from a class file (ie bytecode) and not the Java source, although the
next release will also have JavaToJimple.

In your case, if you can produce valid bytecode from your Extended
Java, you should have nothing left to do for Soot/Jimple.
