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Re: Extend Jimple keywords

Hi Duy,

I finally read through your explanation and have a better
understanding of what you are trying to do.  

I don't really have any insights on your work in particular or on
Bandera, but one thing I'd like to re-iterate is that it would be
very easy to add new statements to Jimple itself.

ExitMonitor, as you say (
http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/doc/soot/jimple/ExitMonitorStmt.html )
should be as good as any other statement to copy.  You just need to
get a proper feel for the Soot/Jimple hierarchy... ie in this case you
want to define interfaces and implementations for your keywords that
extend the Stmt interface.  The best thing is to browse the above API
documentation, even though your version of Soot is much older.  You
can get more insights from Raja's thesis too.

Once you've implemented the new statements, you'll want to update the
Jimple class to provide constructors for them.  Of course then you
have to update JJJC which is where all the real work is -- hopefully
you have a better feel on this.

Offhand I would say that is a reasonable approach.  If you have
further Soot specific questions, feel free to ask them here...
