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questions about Tags and Jimple and Baf


Here is what I would like to do:

1) In Jimple, determine if a method return value is consumed or not. I already have this working, I just check if an InvokeExpr appears as the rvalue of an AssignStmt (it's can't be consumed otherwise because Jimple is stackless).

2) Attach a Tag to the InvokeExpr in question saying whether or not the method return value is consumed.

3) In Baf, recognize all <X>InvokeInst's that have Tags from the preceding Jimple phase, and insert two StaticInvokeInst's of my own, one immediately before, and one immediately after the <X>InvokeInst. The specific call in the second StaticInvokeInst will depend on whether or not the Tag says the method return value is consumed or not.

It seems that using a TagAggregrator is not appropriate in this case, since I'm just passing information between Jimple and Baf and not actually creating any attributes. Is that right?

Also, will it work if I attach Tags to the ValueBox returned by either InvokeStmt.getInvokeExprBox() or AssignStmt.getRightOpBox(), and then retrieve them in Baf using <X>InvokeInst.getTag()? Is there an obviously better way of doing things? I'm avoiding doing this with attributes for now because I think it would take longer to get working.
