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Re: Soot 2.1.0 released

On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 05:00:05PM +0100, Eric Bodden wrote:
> Nice!
> > 5. initial support for 
> > context-sensitive call graph and points-to analysis
> In what sense is it context sensitive? Where can I find further information?

The Edge class that is inserted into the CallGraph now contains a
MethodOrMethodContext rather than just SootMethod as source and target.
A MethodOrMethodContext can either be just a SootMethod, or it can
be a MethodContext, which is a pair of a SootMethod and an arbitrary
Object as context (though in future versions, it will need to implement
an empty Context interface, just to keep track of things which can
be contexts). Currently, the call graph builder supports building a
context-insensitive call graph, a call graph with the call site as
context, and (in combination with Spark) a call graph with the receiver
as context. For more information, see:

soot -phase-help cg

as well as the javadoc and/or source of the classes mentioned above.


> Cheers,
> Eric