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Re: Building Soot from Subversion

Actually, I've gone back to using r1503, and created my own branch so I can merge selected fixes if I need them. This is about the last revision that builds with only jasmin-sable-1.2.7 and polyglot-1.2.0, and seems to contain mostly the "core" Soot functionality.

I would humbly suggest that the active Soot developers create a "stable" branch, possibly at r1503, and merge tested, stable, critical updates from the trunk onto it. This would allow users to benefit from bugfixes without having to wait for the next release, and might also allow for more incremental releases.


Chris Pickett wrote:
Hi Ondrej,

So, I'm having a rough time trying to build Soot r1702 on tofu. The error messages I get (I seem to get one or the other) and my ant.settings follow. If there's an easy way not to build the things I won't use, I would love to know about it (and in general I'd like to put in a request for the modularization of Soot for the next release). I'm using jasminclasses, jedd-runtime, and jedd-translator from your nightly builds (I was previously using the non-nightlies but that wasn't working either). All dependences are there AFAICT.


$ CLASSPATH= && ant


[javac] Compiling 2192 source files to /home/research/ccl/cpicke/soot-dev/classes

file:/home/research/ccl/cpicke/soot-dev/build.xml:17: Error starting modern compiler

-- OR --

[javac] Compiling 2192 source files to /home/research/ccl/cpicke/soot-dev/classes

     [javac] The system is out of resources.
     [javac] Consult the following stack trace for details.

Listener attempted to access System.err - infinite loop terminated

-- ant.settings --

## Location of Polyglot classes jar file to link Soot against

## Location of Polyglot classes jar file to run Jedd with

## Location of Jasmin classes jar file

## Location of Eclipse installation.
## This should have a directory called plugins in it.

## Version of Soot for tagging tarballs.

## Location in which to generate Soot release tarballs.

## Location of JFlex classes jar file

## Location of Jedd runtime classes jar file

## Location of Jedd translator classes jar file

## Command to invoke SAT solver

## Command to invoke SAT core extractor

## URL for Java API documentation, for resolving things like
## {@link Iterator} when generating documentation from
## javadoc comments.

Ondrej Lhotak wrote:

As of revision 1631, the trunk of Soot in Subversion now requires version
0.2 of the Jedd runtime to compile. A pre-compiled version of the
runtime can be obtained from:


A complete copy of Jedd can be obtained from:


Some of the dependencies have been changing even more frequently, and
people have been reporting problems getting the Subversion trunk of Soot
to compile because of problems with dependencies. As a convenience, I
have started making nightly builds of the Subversion trunks of Soot,
Jedd, and Jasmin, and making them available at:


This page also contains copies of the versions of the most frequently
changing dependencies that were used to generate these nightly builds.

These builds are in no way an official part of Soot, nor are they
supported; they are to be used at your own risk. I make no promises
about them. I will, however, strive to keep them up-to-date. If you have
compilation problems with them, please do let me know.
