COMP 409: Concurrent Programming
Winter 2025, McGill University

Course Information
Time & Place
Tuesday, Thursday 13:05–14:25
Location: MCMED 521 just a small journey from main campus
Instructor Website Email
Clark Verbrugge
Office hours: please see contact info in my main web page.
Teaching Assistants
COMP 251 (Algorithms and Data Structures)
COMP 302 (Programming Languages and Paradigms)
COMP 310 (Computer Systems and Organization) (or ECSE 427)
Note that there is a non-trivial programming requirement and students should have strong programming skills. Assignments mainly focus on Java, but some C-coding will also be necessary.
The following required text will be used as a primary reference source for this course.
  • Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit, Victor Luchangco, Michael Spear. The Art of Multiprocessor Programming. Second Edition (2020).
    Note:The second edition is available at an preposterously high price from the bookstore. The revised First Edition by Maurice Herlihy and Nir Shavit, however, is not all that different, and is available as a e-book through the McGill Library.