COMP 303 - Lecture Notes for Week 4 - Interfaces and Polymorphism
- Slides edited from, Object-Oriented Design Patterns, by
Cay S. Horstmann
- Original slides available from:
- Modifications made by Laurie Hendren, McGill University
- Topics this week:
- Interfaces and Polymorphism, Chapter 4
- Using
for project builds and maintenance
Chapter Topics
- Displaying an Image
- Polymorphism
- Drawing Shapes
- The Comparable
- The Comparator
- Anonymous Classes
- Frames and User Interface Components
- User Interface Actions
- Timers
- Designing an Interface
Displaying an Image

Displaying an Image
- Can specify arbitrary image file
"Hello, World!",
new ImageIcon("globe.gif"));

Displaying an Image
- What if we don't want to generate an image file?
- Fortunately, can use any class that implements Icon
interface type
- ImageIcon is one such class
- Easy to supply your own class

The Icon Interface Type
public interface Icon
int getIconWidth();
int getIconHeight();
void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y)
Interface Types
The Icon Interface Type
and Implementing Classes

doesn't know which icon is
- ImageIcon?
- MarsIcon?
- . . .?
- The actual type of anIcon is not Icon
- There are no objects of type Icon
- anIcon belongs to a
class that implements
- That class defines a getIconWidth method
A Variable of Interface Type

Benefits of Polymorphism
- Loose coupling
- showMessageDialog
decoupled from ImageIcon
- Doesn't need to know about image processing
- Extensibility
- Client can supply new icon types
Drawing Shapes
- paintIcon method receives graphics context of type
- Actually a Graphics2D object in modern Java versions
public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
. . .
- Can draw any object that implements Shape interface
Shape s = . . .;
Drawing Rectangles and Ellipses
- Rectangle2D.Double constructed with
- top left corner
- width
- height
- g2.draw(new
Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, width, height));
- For Ellipse2D.Double, specify bounding box
Drawing Ellipses

Drawing Line Segments
- Point2D.Double is a point in the plane
Line2D.Double joins to points
Point2D.Double start = new Point2D.Double(x1, y1);
Point2D.Double end = new Point2D.Double(x2, y2);
Shape segment = new Line2D.Double(start, end);
Relationship Between Shape Classes

Drawing Text
- g2.drawString(text, x, y);
- x, y are base point coordinates
Filling Shapes
- Fill interior of shape
- Set color for fills or strokes:

The Comparable Interface Type
The Comparable Interface Type
- sort method compares and rearranges elements
if (object1.compareTo(object2) > 0) . . .
- String class implements Comparable interface
type: lexicographic (dictionary) order
- Country class: compare countries by area
The Comparator interface type
- How can we sort countries by name?
- Can't implement Comparable twice!
Comparator interface type gives added flexibility
public interface Comparator
int compare(Object object1, Object object2);
- Pass comparator object to sort:
Collections.sort(list, comp);
The Comparator interface type
Anonymous Classes
- No need to name objects that are used only once
new CountryComparatorByName());
- No need to name classes that are used only once
Comparator comp = new
public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2)
Country country1 = (Country)obj1;
Country country2 = (Country)obj2;
return country1.getName().compareTo(country2.getName());
Anonymous Classes
- anonymous new expression:
- defines anonymous class that implements
- defines compare method of that class
- constructs one object of that class
- Cryptic syntax for very useful feature
Anonymous Classes
Adding Components
- Construct components
JButton helloButton = new JButton("Say Hello");
- Set content pane layout
Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
container.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
- Add components to content pane
- Ch4/frame/

User Interface Actions
User Interface Actions
- Add action code into actionPerformed method
- Gloss over routine code
new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
textField.setText("Hello, World");
} );
- When button is clicked, text field is set
Accessing Variables from Enclosing Scope
- Remarkable: Inner class can access variables from enclosing
e.g. textField
- Can access enclosing instance fields, local variables
- Local variables must be marked final
final JTextField textField = ...;
User Interface Actions
- Constructor attaches listener:
- Button remembers all listeners
- When button clicked, button notifies listeners
- Listener sets text of text field
textField.setText("Hello, World!");
Constructing Related Actions
- Write helper method that constructs objects
- Pass variable information as parameters
- Declare parameters final
public static ActionListener createGreetingButtonListener(
final String message)
return new
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)

Defining a New Interface Type
- Use timer to move car shapes
- Draw car with CarShape
- Two responsibilities:
- Define new interface type MoveableShape

CRC Card for the MoveableShape Interface Type
Defining a New Interface Type
- Name the methods to conform to standard library
public interface MoveableShape
void draw(Graphics2D g2);
void translate(int dx, int dy);
public class CarShape implements MoveableShape
public void translate(int dx, int dy)
{ x += dx; y += dy; }
. . .
Implementing the Animation
- Label contains icon that draws shape
- Timer action moves shape, calls repaint on label
- Label needs Icon, we
have MoveableShape
- Supply ShapeIcon
adapter class
- ShapeIcon.paintIcon
calls MoveableShape.draw
Implementing the Animation
Implementing the Animation