COMP 303 - Lecture Notes for Week 7 - Java Object Model
- Slides edited from, Object-Oriented Design Patterns, by
Cay S. Horstmann
- Original slides available from:
- Modifications made by Laurie Hendren, McGill University
- Topics this week:
- The Java Type System
- Type Inquiry
- The Object Class
- Shallow and Deep Copy
- Serialization
- Reflection
- The Java Beans Component Model
- Type: set of values and the operations that can be applied to the
- Strongly typed language: compiler and run-time system check that no
operation can execute that violates type system rules
- Compile-time check
Employee e = new
e.clear(); // ERROR
- Run-time check:
e = null;
e.setSalary(20000); // ERROR
Java Types and Values
- Primitive types:
int short long byte
char float double boolean
- Class types
- Interface types
- Array types
- The null type
- Note: void is not a type
Java Values
- value of primitive type
- reference to object of class type
- reference to array
- null
- Note: Can't have value of interface type
Subtype Relationship
S is a subtype of T if
- S and T are the same type
- S and T are both class types, and T is a direct or indirect
superclass of S
- S is a class type, T is an interface type, and S or one of its
superclasses implements T
- S and T are both interface types, and T is a direct or indirect
superinterface of S
- S and T are both array types, and the component type of S is a
subtype of the component type of T
- S is not a primitive type and T is the type Object
- S is an array type and T is Cloneable or Serializable
- S is the null type and T is not a primitive type
The ArrayStoreException
Wrapper Classes
Enumerated Types
- Finite set of values
- Example: { SMALL,
- Java has no syntax for enumerated types
- Can fake them with integer constants
public static final int SMALL =
public static final int MEDIUM = 2;
public static final int LARGE = 3;
- Not typesafe
int size =
Typesafe Enumerations
Type Inquiry
- Test whether e is a Shape:
if (e instanceof Shape) . . .
- Common before casts:
Shape s = (Shape) e;
- Don't know exact type of e
- Could be any class implementing Shape
- If e is null, test returns false (no exception)
The Class Class
- getClass method gets class of any object
- Returns object of type Class:
Class object describes a type
Object e = new Rectangle();
Class c = e.getClass();
System.out.println(c.getName()); // prints java.awt.Rectangle
- Class.forName method yields Class object:
Class c = Class.forName(java.awt.Rectangle);
- .class suffix yields Class object:
Class c = Rectangle.class; // java.awt prefix not needed
- Class is a misnomer: int.class,
An Employee Object vs.
the Employee.class

Type Inquiry
- Test whether e is a Rectangle:
if (e.getClass() == Rectangle.class) . . .
- Ok to use ==
- A unique Class object for every class
- Test fails for subclasses
- Use instanceof to test for subtypes:
if (x instanceof Rectangle) . . .
Array Types
Object: The Cosmic Superclass
- All classes extend Object
- Most useful methods:
- String toString()
- boolean equals(Object otherObject)
- Object clone()
- int hashCode()
The toString Method
- Returns a string representation of the object
- Useful for debugging
- Example: Rectangle.toString returns something like
- toString used by concatenation operator
- aString + anObject
aString + anObject.toString()
- Object.toString prints class name and object address
- Implementor of PrintStream didn't override
Overriding the toString Method
- Format all fields:
public class Employee
public String toString()
return getClass().getName()
+ "[name=" + name
+ ",salary=" + salary
+ "]";
- Typical string:
Employee[name=Harry Hacker,salary=35000]
Overriding toString in Subclass
- Format superclass first
public class Manager extends Employee
public String toString()
return super.toString()
+ "[department=" + department + "]";
- Typical string
Manager[name=Dolly Dollar,salary=100000][department=Finance]
- Note that superclass reports actual class name
The equals Method
- equals tests for equal contents
- == tests for equal location
- Used in many standard library methods
- Example: ArrayList.indexOf
Searches for the first occurrence of the given argument,
testing for equality using the equals method.
@param elem an object.
@return the index of the first occurrence
of the argument in this list; returns -1 if
the object is not found.
public int indexOf(Object elem)
if (elem == null)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (elementData[i] == null) return i;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (elem.equals(elementData[i])) return i;
return -1;
Overriding the equals Method
Overriding equals in Subclass
Not all equals Methods are Simple
The Object.equalsMethod
Requirements for equals Method
- reflexive: x.equals(x)
- symmetric: x.equals(y) if and only if
- transitive: if x.equals(y) and
y.equals(z), then x.equals(z)
- x.equals(null) must return false
Fixing Employee.equals
- Violates two rules
- Add test for null:
if (otherObject == null) return false
- What happens if otherObject not an Employee
- Should return false (because of symmetry)
- Common error: use of instanceof
if (!(otherObject instanceof Employee)) return false;
// don't do this for non-final classes
- Violates symmetry: Suppose e, m have same name,
e.equals(m) is true (because m instanceof
m.equals(e) is false (because e isn't an
instance of Manager)
- Remedy: Test for class equality
if (getClass() != otherObject.getClass()) return
The Perfect equals Method
- hashCode method used in HashMap,
- Computes an int from
an object
- Example: hash code of String
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
h = 31 * h + s.charAt(i);
- Hash code of "eat" is
- Hash code of "tea" is
Shallow and Deep Copy
- Assignment (copy = e) makes shallow copy
- Clone to make deep copy
- Employee cloned = (Employee)e.clone();

The Cloneable Interface
The clone Method
public class Employee
implements Cloneable
public Object clone()
return super.clone();
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
return null; // won't happen
Shallow Cloning
- clone makes a shallow copy
- Instance fields aren't cloned

Deep Cloning
- Why doesn't clone make a deep copy?
Wouldn't work for cyclic data structures
- Not a problem for immutable fields
- You must clone mutable fields
public class Employee
implements Cloneable
public Object clone()
Employee cloned = (Employee)super.clone();
cloned.hireDate = (Date)hiredate.clone();
return cloned;
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
return null; // won't happen
Deep Cloning

Cloning and Inheritance
- Object.clone is paranoid
- clone is protected
- clone only clones Cloneable objects
- clone throws checked exception
- You don't have that luxury
- Manager.clone must be defined if Manager
adds mutable fields
- Rule of thumb: if you extend a class that defines clone,
redefine clone
- Lesson to learn: Tagging interfaces are inherited. Use them only to
tag properties that inherit
- Save collection of objects to stream
Employee[] staff = new Employee[2];
staff.add(new Employee(...));
staff.add(new Employee(...));
- Construct ObjectOutputStream:
ObjectOutputStream out
= new ObjectOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream("staff.dat"));
- Save the array and close the stream
- The array and all of its objects and their dependent objects
are saved
- Employee doesn't have to define any method
- Needs to implement the Serializable interface
- Another tagging interface with no methods
How Serialization Works
- Each newly encountered object is saved
- Each object gets a serial number in the stream
- No object is saved twice
- Reference to already encountered object saved as "reference to

Serializing Unserializable Classes
- Some classes are not serializable
- Security? Anonymous classes? Programmer cluelessness?
- Example: Ellipse2D.Double
- How can we serialize Car?
- Suppress default serialization to avoid exception
- Mark with transient:
private transient Ellipse2D frontTire;
- Supply private (!) methods
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
- In these methods
- Call
- Manually save other data
- Ch7/serial/
- Ability of running program to find out about its objects and
- Class object reveals
- superclass
- interfaces
- package
- names and types of fields
- names, parameter types, return types of methods
- parameter types of constructors
- Class getSuperclass()
- Class[] getInterfaces()
- Package getPackage()
- Field[] getDeclaredFields()
- Constructor[] getDeclaredConstructors()
- Method[] getDeclaredMethods()
Example: Enumerating static fields Math class
Field[] fields = Math.class.getDeclaredFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
if (Modifier.isStatic(fields[i].getModifiers()))
Enumerating Constructors
- Print the names and parameter types of all Rectangle
for (int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++)
Class[] params = cons[i].getParameterTypes();
for (int j = 0; j < params.length; j++)
if (j > 0) System.out.print(", ");
- Yields
Rectangle(int, int, int, int)
Rectangle(int, int)
Rectangle(java.awt.Point, java.awt.Dimension)
Getting A Single Method Descriptor
- Supply method name
- Supply array of parameter types
- Example: Get Rectangle.contains(int, int):
Method m = Rectangle.class.getDeclaredMethod(
new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
- Example: Get default Rectangle constructor:
Constructor c = Rectangle.class.getDeclaredConstructor(
new Class[] {});
Invoking a Method
- Supply implicit parameter (null for static
- Supply array of explicit parameter values
- Wrap primitive types
- Unwrap primitive return value
- Example: Call System.out.println("Hello, World") the hard
Method m = PrintStream.class.getDeclaredMethod(
new Class[] { String.class } );
new Object[] { "Hello, World!" });
Inspecting Objects
- Can obtain object contents at runtime
- Useful for generic debugging tools
- Need to gain access to private fields
Class c = obj.getClass();
Field f = c.getDeclaredField(name);
- Throws exception if security manager disallows access
- Access field value:
Object value = f.get(obj);
f.set(obj, value);
- Use wrappers for primitive types
Inspecting Objects
- Example: Peek inside string tokenizer
- Ch7/code/reflect2/
- Output
int currentPosition=0
int newPosition=-1
int maxPosition=13
java.lang.String str=Hello, World!
java.lang.String delimiters=,
boolean retDelims=false
boolean delimsChanged=false
char maxDelimChar=,
int currentPosition=5
. . .
Inspecting Array Elements
- Use static methods of Array class
Object value = Array.get(a, i);
Array.set(a, i, value);
int n = Array.getLength(a);
- Construct new array:
Object a = Array.newInstance(type, length);
- More functionality than a single class
- Reuse and customize in multiple contexts
- "Plug components together" to form applications
- Successful model: Visual Basic controls
- Examples:
- calendar
- graph
- database
- link to robot or instrument
- Components composed into program inside builder environment
A Builder Environment

Java Beans
- Java component model
- Bean has:
- methods (just like classes)
- properties
- events

A Calendar Bean

A Property Sheet
- Edit properties with property sheet

Facade Class
- Bean usually composed of multiple classes
- One class nominated as facade class
- Clients use only facade class methods
Facade Pattern
- A subsystem consists of multiple classes, making it complicated for
clients to use
- Implementor may want to change subsystem classes
- Want to give a coherent entry point
- Define a facade class that exposes all capabilities of the
subsystem as methods
- The facade methods delegate requests to the subsystem classes
- The subsystem classes do not know about the facade class
Facade Pattern

Facade Pattern
Name in Design
Actual Name
Builder tool
Main bean class with which the
tool interacts
Class used to implement bean
functionality |
Bean Properties
- Property = value that you can get and/or set
- Most properties are get-and-set
- Can also have get-only and set-only
- Property not the same as instance field
- Setter can set fields, then call repaint
- Getter can query database
Property Syntax
- Not Java :-(
- C#, JavaScript, Visual Basic
- b.propertyName =
calls setter
- variable = b.propertyName
calls getter
Java Naming Conventions
- property = pair of methods
public X getPropertyName()
public void setPropertyName(X newValue)
- Replace propertyName with actual name
(e.g. getColor/setColor)
- Exception for boolean properties:
public boolean isPropertyName()
- Decapitalization hokus-pokus:
getColor -> color
getURL -> URL
Editing Beans in a Builder Tool
- Use wizard to make empty frame

Editing Beans in a Builder Tool
- Add button to frame, then edit button with property sheet.

Packaging a Bean
Composing Beans
- Make new frame
- Add car bean, slider to frame
- Edit stateChanged
event of slider
- Add handler code
- Compile and run
- Move slider: the car moves

Bean Information
- Builder environment loads beans
- Looks for get/set methods in facade class
- Can discover spurious properties
JButton: Object getTreeLock()
- Alternate mechanism: BeanInfo class
- Must have name FacadeClassNameBeanInfo
- E.g. HouseBeanBeanInfo
The BeanInfo Interface
Image getIcon(int iconKind)
BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor()
MethodDescriptor[] getMethodDescriptors()
PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors()
EventSetDescriptor[] getEventSetDescriptors()
int getDefaultEventIndex()
int getDefaultPropertyIndex()
BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo()
Removing Spurious Properties
class MyBeanBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo
public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors()
return new PropertyDescriptor[]
new PropertyDescriptor("x", CarBean.class);
new PropertyDescriptor("y", CarBean.class);
catch (IntrospectionException exception)
{ return null; }
Property Editors
- Property sheet enumerates properties
- Allows user to edit property values
- How can one edit values of arbitrary types?
- Built-in editors for String, Color, etc
- Supply custom editor for your own types
Custom Property Editors
- Three kinds of editors
- Text
- Finite set of choices
- Arbitrary painting and editing
- Implement PropertyEditor interface
- Or extend PropertyEditorSupport class
Editing Text Properties
Editing Choice Properties
- Your type has finite set of string choices
- E.g. DrawMode.DRAW, DrawMode.FILL
- String[] getTags() returns array of choices
- Also need to define getAsText/setAsText
- Property sheet uses combo box
Editing Arbitrary Properties
- Your type isn't easily editable as string
- E.g. Color
- Property editor pops up your edit dialog
- boolean supportsCustomEditor() must return
- Component getCustomEditor() returns
- Property editor can paint current value of your type
- boolean isPaintable() must return true
- void paintValue(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds)
Registering Property Editors
- Global setting
PropertyEditorManager.registerEditor(valueClass, editorClass)
- Per-bean setting
In bean info class:
PropertyDescriptor dimensionProperty = new PropertyDescriptor(
"dimension", CarBean.class);
Example: CarBean
Example: CarBean

Implementing a Property Sheet
- Used for graph framework in chapter 8
- Form shows property names on left, editors on right

Implementing a Property Sheet
- Get bean info for class
- Get properties from bean info
- Obtain property getter/setter methods from property descriptor
- Use these methods to read and write property values
- Each editor is text field, combo box, or button with painted
- Clicking on button brings up dialog
- Ch7/propedit/
- Ch7/propedit/