- Erick Lavoie and Laurie Hendren, Personal Volunteer Computing,
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.01482, April 2018.
- Erick Lavoie and Laurie Hendren, A Formalization for Specifying and
Implementing Correct Pull-Stream Modules,
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.06144, January 2018.
- Erick Lavoie, Laurie Hendren and Frederic Desprez, Pando: A Volunteer
Computing Platform for the Web, IEEE 2nd International Workshops on
Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W), pp. 387-388, 2017.
- Rahul Garg, Sameer Jagdale and Laurie J. Hendren,
Velociraptor: a compiler toolkit for array-based languages
targeting CPUs and GPUs, Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN
International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array
Programming (ARRAY@PLDI), pp 19-24, June 2015.
- Rahul Garg and Laurie Hendren,
Just-in-time shape inference for array-based languages,
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries,
Languages and Compilers for Array Programming (ARRAY@PLDI), Edinburgh, United
Kingdom, pp. 50-55, June 2014.
- Patrick Lam, Eric Bodden, Ondrej Lhotak and Laurie Hendren,
The Soot framework for Java program analysis: a retrospective,
Proceedings of the Cetus Users and Compiler Infrastructure Workshop (in
conjunction with PACT 2011), 8 pages, October 2011.
- Laurie Hendren, Jesse Doherty, Anton Dubrau, Rahul Garg, Nurudeen Lameed,
Soroush Radpour, Amina Aslam, Toheed Aslam, Andrew Casey, Maxime Chevalier
Boisvert, Jun Li, Clark Verbrugge and Olivier Savary Belanger, McLAB:
enabling programming language, compiler and software engineering research for
MATLAB, Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Object
Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Companion (abstract
of poster), pp. 195-196, October 2011.
- Laurie Hendren, Typing aspects for MATLAB, Proceedings of the Sixth
Annual Workshop on Domain-specific Aspect Languages (at AOSD 2011), pp. 13-18,
March 2011. (International Workshop)
- Eric Bodden, Laurie Hendren, Patrick Lam, Ondrej Lhotak and Nomair
A. Naeem, Collaborative runtime verification with tracematches,
Proceedings of the 7th workshop on Runtime Verification at the 6th
International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (RV
2007), LNCS 4839, March 2006. (Proceedings published in 2007).
- Pavel Avgustinov, Julian Tibble, Eric Bodden, Laurie J. Hendren, Ondrej
Lhotak, Oege de Moor, Neil Ongkingco and Ganesh Sittampalam,
Efficient trace monitoring, pp. 685-686, OOPSLA Companion
(abstract of poster), pp. 685-686, October 2006.
- Pavel Avgustinov, Eric Bodden, Elnar Hajiyev, Laurie J. Hendren,
Ondrej Lhotak, Oege de Moor, Neil Ongkingco, Damien Sereni, Ganesh
Sittampalam, Julian Tibble and Mathieu Verbaere, Aspects for Trace
Monitoring, paper associated with invited talk by Oege de Moor,
pp. 20-39, FATES/RV, August 2006.
- Pavel Avgustinov, Aske Simon Christensen, Laurie
Hendren, Sascha Kuzins, Jennifer Lhotak, Ondrej Lhotak, Oege de Moor,
Damien Sereni, Ganesh Sittampalam and Julian Tibble
abc: The AspectBench Compiler for AspectJ, paper associated
with invited talk by Oege de Moor, International Conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GCPE 2005),
pages 10-15, September 2005.
- Laurie J. Hendren, Maryam Emami, Rakesh Ghiya, and Clark Verbrugge,
A Practical Context-Sensitive Interprocedural Analysis for C
Compilers, ACAPS Technical Memo 72, School of Computer Science,
McGill University, July 1993.
- ZhiPing Qiu, Laurie J. Hendren, and Behcet Sarikaya,
The Design and Implementation of a Compiler for Conformance Testing,
Proceedings of the Poster Session, International Conference of
Compiler Construction, Universität-Gesamthochschule-Paderborn, Report
103, October 1992.
- Laurie J. Hendren,
Parallelizing Programs with Recursive Data Structures,
Technical Report TR 90-1114 (Ph.D. Thesis), Cornell University, April 1990.
- Laurie J. Hendren,
Recursive data structures and parallelism detection,
Technical Report TR 88-924, Cornell University, June 1988.
- Laurie J. Hendren, Alex Nicolau, Jon Solworth and Patrick Xavier,
Low-level programming for a massively fine-grain
computer: The Microflow Approach,
Technical Report TR87-806, Cornell University, March 1987.
- Laurie J. Hendren.
ISON: An Introductory Subset of Nial,
M.Sc. Thesis, Queen's University, 1984.
- R. Black, P.J. Nelson and L.J. Hendren,
NRC Turtle Graphics,
Proceedings of the Tutorial and Workshop on Computers and the
Handicapped, pp. 89-93, 1982.