- Canada Research Chair in Compiler Tools and Techniques - Renewal, 2018.
- Merck Patients First Award, For Opal, an Oncology Portal and Application.
With Tarek Hijal (Radiation Oncology) and John Kildea (Medical Physics), 2018.
- Honorable Mention, Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care
Partnership Award. For Opal, an Oncology Portal and Application.
With Tarek Hijal (Radiation Oncology) and John Kildea (Medical Physics), 2017.
- Winner of the Prix de cancérologie 2016, dans la catégorie
Organisation des services, pour le project Implémentation d'un
système de gestion de la salle d'attente via une application mobile et
un portail pour les patients en oncologie. With Tarek Hijal
(Radiation Oncology) and John Kildea (Medical Physics), November 2016.
This award also came with an invited presentation at the 2016 DGC
- The ``5 of Diamonds" in the Notable Women in Tech Card Deck,
http://www.notabletechnicalwomen.org, 2014.
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2012.
- Canada Research Chair in Compiler Tools and Techniques, 2011.
- Leverhulme Visiting Professor, Oxford, 2010-2011 (sabbatical).
- Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, Oxford, 2010-2011 (sabbatical).
- ACM Fellow, 2009.
- Leo Yaffe Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Science,
McGill University, 2006.
- Sage Fellowship, Cornell University, 1985-86.
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,
Postgraduate Scholarship, 1982-84.
- Departmental Medal in Computing and Information Science,
Queen's University at Kingston, 1982.
- Entrance Scholarship, Queen's University at Kingston, 1977.