Note: In the following list the Principal Investigator is underlined.
- Rossy Cancer Network, Cancer Quality and Innovation Grant,
Hendren, Hijal, Kildea, Asselah, Lambert, Faria and Davidson Developing and Evaluating a
Mobile Application for Caregivers, $100,000, 2018-2019.
- NSERC Canada Research Chair - Renewal, Hendren,
Compiler Tools and Techniques,
$56,000 per year research grant, 2018-2025.
- Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Grant,
Lambert, Faria, Rosberger, McCusker, Kildea,
Hendren, Hijal, Beauchamp, Ly, Hamel,
Implementation and evaluation of an e-Health application for the systematic
assessment of patient and caregiver reported outcomes in Quebec across the
cancer continuum.
$300,000 per year ($1,500,000 total), 2018-2022
- Montreal General Hospital Foundation Grant, Hendren,
Hijal and Kildea (joint PIs), Development of the
Oncology Portal and Application, $215,000 (total), 2017-2018.
- Cedars Cancer Foundation Grant, Hendren,
Hijal and Kildea (joint PIs), Development of the
Oncology Portal and Application, $100,000 (total), 2017-2018.
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Hendren,
Compilers, Tools and Languages for Scientists, $50.000 per year,
- MUHC Challenge Q+ Award, Hendren, Hijal and Kildea (joint
principal investigators), Managing the Pain of Waiting for
Radiotherapy, $150,000 (total), 2014-2016.
- NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant, Hendren
and Verbrugge, Scalable Infrastructure for Compiler and Virtual
Machine Research, $65,508, 2011-2012.
- NSERC Canada Research Chair, Hendren,
Compiler Tools and Techniques,
$56,000 per year research grant, 2011-2018.
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Hendren,
Languages, compilers and virtual machines for scientists,
$43,000 per year, 2010-2015.
- Microsoft Award, Hendren,
Scientific programming languages and associated compiler tools,
$5,000, 2008.
- NSERC Equipment Grant, Verbrugge and Hendren, Refurbishment of Sable Lab, 2006-07.
- NSERC Discovery Grant, Hendren,
Analysis and Optimization of Object-Oriented and Aspect-Oriented Programs,
$64,000 per year, 2005-2010.
- FQNRT (FCAR) Team Grant, Hendren, Driesen and Verbrugge,
Understanding and Optimizing Object-Oriented and Concurrent Programs,
Operating ($65,000 per year, 2003-2006), Equipment ($33,000, 2003-2004).
- EPSRC Visiting Fellow, de Moor,
Compiler Tools and Techniques for Object-Oriented and Aspect-Oriented
Programs, 2003-3004.
- NSERC Research Grant, Hendren,
Compiler tools and techniques for analysis and optimization of Java,
$52,000 per year, 2001-2005.
- IBM Faculty Partnership Award, Hendren,
$61,000 ($40,000 US) per year, 2001-2004.
- IBM Scholars Program - Eclipse Innovation Grant, Hendren,
$33,000 ($25,000 US), 2004.
- IBM Scholars Program - Eclipse Innovation Grant, Hendren,
$39,000 ($25,000 US), 2003.
- NSERC Equipment Grant, Hendren,
Support for the Sable Group's Computing Lab, (File and Compute Servers).
$59,754, 2001-2002.
- FCAR Team Grant, Hendren, Panangaden and Debbabi,
The Design, Analysis and Implementation of Modern Concurrent Programming
$42,000 per year (plus $15,000 equipment), 1998-2001.
- NSERC Research Grant, Hendren,
The Design, Implementation and Application of Program Analyses and
Transformations, $40,000 (1997-98, 1998-99), $44,000 (1999-2000),
$46,200 (2000-2001),
- NSERC Equipment Grant, Hendren,
Equipment to Support the Sable Java Compiling Group (Workstations),
$19,236, 1998-1999.
- NSERC Research Grant, Hendren,
Compiling for High-Performance Architectures,
$29,000 per year,
- FCAR Team Grant, Panangaden, Gao and Hendren,
Une appoache unifée pour le calcul en parallèle,
$13,470 equipment, 1994-1995;
$28,500 per year, 1994-1997.
- NSERC Strategic Grant, Gao, Hendren, Hum and Panangaden,
A Multithreaded Approach to High-Performance Computing and its
$21,549 equipment, 1993-1994;
$110,000 per year operating, 1993-1997.
- NSERC Equipment Grant, Gao, Hendren, Panangaden,
Avis and Tropper, Distributed Computing, $45,811, 1996-97.
- NSERC Industrially-Oriented Research Grant (with Bell Northern
Research), Hendren and Gao,
Compiling for Application Specific Instruction-Set Processors,
$60,000, 1995-1996.
- NSERC Equipment Grant, Hendren, Gao and Panangaden,
File and Compute Servers,
- CRIM Industrial Research Grant, Hendren,
Portable Parallel Programming Environment, approx. $6,000 per year,
- NSERC Equipment Grant, Gao, Hendren and Panangaden,
McCAT, McGill Compiler-Architecture Testbed, $28,000,
- FCAR Team Grant, Panangaden, Gao and Hendren,
Architectural Models and Programming Principles for Parallel Processing,
$22,520 per year, 1991-1994.
- FCAR Nouveau Chercheur, Hendren, Compiling for Parallel Architectures,
$8,432 equipment, 1991-1992; $11,839 per year operating, 1991-1994.
- NSERC Operating Grant, Hendren,
Compiling for Parallel Architectures,
$19,000 per year, 1991-1994.
- NSERC Equipment Grant, with Panangaden, Gao, ElGindy,
Hendren, Merrett, Paige and Tropper,
16-processor upgrade for BBN Butterfly,
- McGill Equipment Grant, Hendren, $8,000, 1990.