This document briefly outlines known uses of the Soot analysis and
transformation framework (
This is not an exhaustive list, but has been
compiled via documents available from the web and from feedback provided
by Soot users. More additions to this list would be very welcome.
Soot can be used in various ways for graduate courses and graduate projects.
It has been used extensively in the Optimizing Compilers course at McGill
both for assignments on program analysis and instrumentation, and as the
basis of many individual course projects
). Several of those projects have
developed into interesting additions to Soot.
Many course instructors at other institutions have also adopted the use
of Soot for
course assignments and/or course projects. Soot has been used for advanced
compiler courses and also for courses on analysis tools for
software engineering.
Soot has been used in a wide variety of research projects and also used
for the development of other open source projects. The following list
gives some of these projects which include work in traditional
compiler analyses, analyses for software engineering, analysis for
distributed programs and software verification.
- The Ptolemy project, developed at Berkeley,
is a framework for component based design in Java. Particular
concentration is on block-diagram languages, with components specified
using Java APIs. The Ptolemy project uses Soot to transform these
highly generic component specifications into more specialized ones.
This allows efficient simulation, and someday, embedded hardware and
software implementations.
- The Aristotle group, Georgia Tech, uses Soot to implement
DUSC, a tool to perforam dynamic updates of classes.
- Bandera was one of the first large projects to use Soot and has
been developed for program verification.
The goal of the Bandera project is to integrate existing programming language
processing techniques with newly developed techniques to provide automated
support for the extraction of safe, compact, finite-state models that are
suitable for verification from Java source code.
The Bandera toolset is designed to be an open architecture in which a
variety of analysis and transformation components may be incorporated.
- Recently the Santos Laboratory at Kansas State has started the Indus project
for a collection of program analyses and transformations to adapt Java
programs. These tools are based on Jimple and the Soot framework.
- The Canvas Project (Component ANnotation, Verification And Stuff) aims to
allow the component designer to specify component conformance constraints
in a natural (yet still formal) way and to
provide automated certification tools to determine whether the client
satisfies the component's conformance constraints.
- Archie Cobbs has developed an opensource Java virtual machine based
on Soot. His project, jcvm, is
a JVM that converts class files to C source and compiles them with GCC
Opensource software.
- At the University of Maryland, College Park, Ankush Varma and Shuvra S.
have been using Soot to develop a Java-to-C compiler,
and its integration with the Java-based Ptolemy II
design environment. The overall objective is to
translate dataflow-based models of signal processing systems into efficient
C code for embedded processors.
- Mooly Sagiv's group from Tel Aviv
have used Soot in order to build two
Java-to-TVLA translators.
Both translators take as input Java class files and a set of translation
and output a set of TVP files, which form the input to TVLA.
The difference between the translators is technical and regards the way
translation rules are specified.
The first translator, JFE, developed by Alex Warshavsky was used in the
project (a project of IBM Watson joint with TAU), which is aimed at
verification of certain properties of components, in particular, verifying
absence of concurrent modification of iterators. A paper "Deriving
program analyses for certifying component-client conformance" by G.
Alex Warshavsky, John Field, Deepak Goyal, Mooly Sagiv, appeared in
The second translator, J2TVLA, developed by Roman Manevich is currently
used to
translate JavaCard programs to TVLA in a project joint with Giesecke and
- Michael I. Schwartzbach, Anders Møller, Christian Kirkegaard and Aske Simon
Christensen at the Univeristy of Aarhus in Denmark have used Soot in three
projects. Two of these are the JWIG project ( and the Xact
project (, where Soot is used as a frontend in the
program analyses. Both of these analyses are concerned with static checking of
the validity of dynamically generated XML values. The third project is an
analysis for string values ( The output of this
analysis has the form of a mapping from Soot Values of type String, String
array (of arbitrary dimension) or StringBuffer into finite automata, such that
the language of the automaton includes all possible runtime values of the given
Soot Value.
- Barbara Ryders's PROLANGS research group at Rutgers University has
used Soot for various context-sensitive and context-sensitive points-to
analyses, implemented as annotated inclusion constraints that are
solved by a specialized version of the BANE constraint solver from UC
Berkeley (OOPSLA'01, ISSTA'02). SOOT has also provided the framework
used for program fragment analysis applied to Java class analysis of
incomplete programs (ICSE'03).
Recently, SOOT has provided the framework used in exception-catch
analysis of Java programs. First, this analysis calculates the
'def-uses' of exceptions due to failed operating system resource
requests from a Java program. Second, the analysis instruments the Java
program (again using SOOT) so that a run-time fault injection program
can be called to simulate the exception and then coverage of the
calculated def-uses can be measured. (ISSTA'04)
- Eric Bodden led a third year group project at the University of Kent
at Canterbury to develop a
static analyser for Java code. The user can input
sourcecode or class files / jar-archives on which then an analysis will
be performed using SOOT. Then the user can query the system e.g. for
getting all callers of a specific method. Results are shown using an
open source graph display package. This project was then further
developed into an opensource project.
- Richard Stahl,
at IMEC vzw in Belgium, has used Soot in project on task-level
parallelism extraction and optimisation for embedded heterogeneous systems.
SOOT is used for analysis of Java applications, especially call-graphs,
control- and data-dependence. It is also used for
instrumentation of the program with profiler-specific code. Publications
- R.Stahl et al.: Performance Analysis for Identification of
(Sub)task-Level Parallelism in Java, Proceedings of SCOPES'03, Vienna,
Austria, 2003
- R.Stahl et al.: High-Level Data-Access Analysis for Characterisation of
(Sub)task-Level Parallelism in Java, Proceedings of HIPS'04, Santa Fe,
USA, 2004
- R. Stahl, F. Catthoor, R. Lauwereins and D. Verkest: Design-Time
Data-Access Analysis for Parallel Java Programs with Shared-Memory
Communication Model, Proceedings of EUROPAR'04, Pisa, Italy
- Alan Donovan, Adam Kiezun, Matthew Tschantz and Michael D. Ernst, MIT,
have used Soot in their Jiggetai project,
which aims to automate
the translation of existing Java to Java 1.5, inferring instantiations
of generic types to exploit the new type system.
Their analysis combines a whole-program (or "most of program") pointer
analysis at the bytecode level, using SOOT's jimple IR, and a modular
source-level type constraint solving component.
- Gregory Kapfhammer and Mary Lou Soffa, University of Pittsburgh, have used
Soot in their research on
a family of test adequacy
criteria for database-driven applications.
Their research on testing database-centric applications resulted in the
publication of the paper "A Family of Test Adequacy Criteria for
Database-Driven Applications" at ACM SIGSOFT ESEC/FSE 2003. This
paper was selected to win the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished paper award.
All of their testing and analysis tools rely upon Soot. gkapfham/research/diatoms/
Gregory Kapfhammer has also authored a chapter on
"Software Testing" chapter in the CRC Press
Computer Science Handbook where he specifically mentions the Soot program
analysis framework in his discussion of "Program Building Blocks".
- Walkinshaw, Roper and Wood, from Strathclyde University in Glasgow have
developed a new intermediate representation, the Java System Dependence Graph
(JSysDG), based on Soot.
N. Walkinshaw, M. Roper, and M. Wood. The Java System Dependence Graph.
In SCAM, 2003.
- Another use of Soot for verification comes from
Lars-Ake Fredlunk of the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden.
His work is in guaranteeing correctness properties of a
Java Card applet.
- Gould, Su and Devanbu from the University of California, Davis, have
used Soot to develop their JDBC Checker, a static analysis tool for
SQL/JDBC applications.
- Boulifa and Madelaine of the Oasis Team from INRIA have used Soot
for model generation for distributed Java programs.
- Cherem and Rugina from Cornell University have used Soot for
region analysis and transformation for Java programs.
They have also used Soot for developing techniques to transform
Java programs by adding free statements to safely reclaim memory.
- A research group at Polytechnic University has
developed a design obfuscator for Java based on Soot.
- Patrick Cousot and and Radhia Cousot have used Soot in building a
prototype for an abstract interpretation-bases framework for
software watermarking (POPL 2004).
- Gagan Agrawal and Liang Guo, University of Delaware, used Soot to
experiment with explicitly context-sensitive program slicing
(PASTE 2001).
- Qi Su and Gagan Agarwal, University of Deleware, have used Soot for
research on efficient and accurate interprocedural
program slicing through simultaneous call graph analysis.
- Anatas Rountev, Scott Kagan and Michael Gibas from Ohio State University
have used Soot to build a tool to support their research for static
and dynamic call graphs for Java.
- Ciarán Bryce and Chrislain Razafimahefa from the University of Geneva
have used Soot in their implementation of Safe Object Sharing.
- Jelte Janses from Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands
has used Soot to develop a tool for slicing Midlets.
- Dave Clark (Ultrecht University, The Netherlands), Michael Richmond (Purdue)
and James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) have developed
techniques for statically determining component integrity in Enterprise
JavaBeans based on the Soot infrastructure.
- Andreas Martens (Imperial College, UK) used Soot in his M.Eng project
on the optimization of Java Threads. Projects/Distinguished02/
- Douglas J Brear, Thibaut Weise, Tim Wiffen, Kwok Cheung Yeung,
Sarah A M Bennett and Paul H J Kelly, Imperial College London, have used
Soot to support the fragmentation process in their work on search
strategies for Java bottleneck location by dynamic instrumentation.
- Roman Manevich (Tel Aviv University), Mooly Sagiv (Tel Aviv University),
G. Ramalingam (IBM Watson) and John Field (IBM Watson) have used Soot
in the front-end processing in their work for three projects.
- Dong Zhou, Yuan Chen, Greg Eisenhauer and Karsten Schwan, Georia Institute
of Technology,
have used Soot to implement the extraction algorithm in their work on
active brokers and their runtime deployment.
- Joel Jones and Randy Smith, University of Alabama, used the points-to analysis
for Soot in their work on Automated Auditing of Design Principle
- Polyvios Pratikakis, Jaime Spacco and Mike Hicks, University of Maryland, modified the points-to
analysis in Soot in their work on transparent proxies for Java futures.
(OOPSLA 2004)
- Davide Balzarotti and Mattia Monga, Dip. Informatica e Comunicazione, Milano,
have used Soot to perform the analysis phase of their work on Using Program
Slicing to Analyze Aspect Oriented Composition. (FOAL 2004)
- Xiaotong Zhuang and Santosh Pande, Georgia Tech,
have used Soot to create the CFGs used
in their work on compiler scheduling of mobile agents.
- Pierre-Luc Brunelle (Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal), Ettore Merlo
(Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal) and Giuliano Antoniol (University of
Sannio, Italy) have used Soot to investiage different Java Type
- Scott Hemmert, Justin L. Tripp, Brad L. Hutchings and Preston A. Jackson,
Birgham Young University, have used Soot to perform bytecode reading for
their low-level debugger for the Sea Cucumber Synthesizing Compiler.
- Suhabe Bugrara and Alex Salcianu, MIT, have used Soot in
a project aimed at analyzing the interactions between different aspects in
a program. This work is presented in FSE'04, "A Classification System and
Analysis for Aspect-Oriented Programs".
- Joh Froelich and Paul Dourish, University of California, Irvine, have used
Soot to generate call-graph information in their Augur research project.
They combine call-graph information with version control meta-data of
the source code to analyze social structures/dependencies in the source code.
- Chris Pickett (McGill University), along with Clark Verbrugge (McGill) and
Etienne Gagnon (UQAM) are working on speculative
multithreading and return value prediction in SableVM, a Java Virtual
Machine. He has extended Soot to analyse features of Java programs
relevant to this work and convey the results to SableVM using Soot's
attribute generation framework. (
- Robert Mittermayr, Technical University of Vienna, is using Soot
for his master's thesis work on the topic "statical analysis of multi-threaded
java-programs". He is using the CFG and the Dominator-Tree to build the
DJ-Graph. He has modified BlockGraph because he needs to have a new Basic Block
after a method call from and to a Thread. And with all the DJ-Graphs from
the methods he build a TDJG (Thread-DJ-Graph), thus representing
the whole program in
one DJ-Graph. With this data structure he performs static analysis to find
deadlocks and busy waiting problems in multithreaded java programs. For this
he implemented a elimination based data flow framework[Sreedhar 95 and 98].
The translation was initiated by Prof. Laurie HENDREN on 2006-06-30