Theses related to the Sable group (SableCC, Soot, Java Optimization)
Please see the Sable Group's
publications page .
Old People's Theses
Theses related to the McCAT optimizing/parallelizing Compiler Project
Maryam Emami, M.Sc. thesis:
A Practical Interprocedural Alias Analysis for an Optimizing/Parallelizing
C Compiler,
McGill University, July 1993.
Ana Erosa, M.Sc. thesis:
A goto-elimination method and its implementation for the McCAT compiler,
McGill University, May 1995.
Rakesh Ghiya, M.Sc. thesis:
Practical Techniques for Interprocedural Heap Analysis,
McGill University, January 1996.
Rakesh Ghiya, Ph.D. thesis:
Putting Pointer Analysis to Work,
McGill University, May 1998.
Christopher Lapkowski, M.Sc. thesis:
A Practical Symbolic Array Dependence Analysis Framework for C,
McGill University, March 1997.
Yingchun Zhu, Ph.D. thesis:,
Optimizing Parallel Programs with Dynamic Data Structures,
McGill University, May 2000.