Patrick Lam (
March 17, 2000
Slides from a talk on the Soot flow analysis framework are at
By the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
In dataflow analysis, we seek to associate some data with each node in the control-flow graph. In Soot, we represent this data as flow sets.
Typically, a flow set represents a set of facts. For reaching definitions, the flow sets are the sets of pairs (variable, program point). Soot defines the FlowSet interface to be the canonical flow object.
Soot also provides an implementation of FlowSet, ArraySparseSet. This represents the FlowSet using an array.
Often, we want a FlowSet with complementation; this is a BoundedFlowSet, and implemented by ArrayPackedSet. To speak of complementation, there must be some universe with respect to which we complement. When the universe is not implicit in the definition of the flow set itself, then Soot provides the FlowUniverse set; this is used by ArrayPackedSet.
The FlowSet interface requires the following methods:
The first 3 methods are clear. The copy() method will put the contents of `this' FlowSet into the destination FlowSet.
For the last 3 methods, the following rule is used:
dest <- this op other
Note that these operations give FlowSet the necessary structure to be a lattice element.
Usually, we just need to represent sets for flow analysis. In that case, the following optional methods are used:
The add() and remove objects use the following rule:
dest <- this op obj
The reference implementation, ArraySparseSet, implements all of the methods for FlowSet.
In order to do dataflow analysis, a control-flow graph is required. We will now describe how to create such a graph.
The SootMethod and Body classes have been described in the example showing how to create a class from scratch. These concepts should now be understood.
Soot provides the UnitGraph class to describe the notion of a control-flow graph. There are two types of UnitGraphs: ExceptionalUnitGraph and BriefUnitGraph. The exceptional graph contains all of the edges in the brief graph, plus edges corresponding to potential exceptions being thrown. It should be used for analysis.
The UnitGraph class implements the DirectedGraph interface, which captures the essential features of directed graphs (on Directed objects).
Given a Body, say b, we can create a ExceptionalUnitGraph by invoking new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b).
Now that we are armed with graphs and flow sets, we can proceed to carry out the actual analysis.
Soot provides FlowAnalysis classes. All we need to plug in are a flow function, merge, copy, and initial flow sets, and we're all set!
The following abstract methods must be implemented by a FlowAnalysis:
e.g. ``return emptySet.clone();''
e.g. ``inSet1.union(inSet2, outSet);''
e.g. ``sourceSet.copy(destSet);''
If we have pre-computed the gen and preserve sets, this code could implement flowThrough():
inSet.intersection(unitToPreserveSet.get(s), outSet); outSet.union(unitToGenerateSet.get(s), outSet);
In appendix 9 we show a complete example of a simple analysis, for detecting live locals.
We made a passing reference to pre-computing sets in the above.
Often, in a flow analysis, the flow-through function is actually quite
In such a case, we can pre-compute the gen and preserve sets in the constructor. Hopefully, this speeds up the analysis.
We illustrate the pre-computation of a preserve set for live locals:
Unit s = (Unit); BoundedFlowSet killSet = emptySet.clone(); Iterator boxIt = s.getDefBoxes().iterator(); while(boxIt.hasNext()) { ValueBox box = (ValueBox); if(box.getValue() instanceof Local) killSet.add(box.getValue(), killSet); } // Store complement killSet.complement(killSet); unitToPreserveSet.put(s, killSet);
Note that all Unit objects provide a getDefBoxes method. This returns a list of values defined in the Unit.
In order to compute the gen sets, we use getUseBoxes instead; it is a fairly simple change.
Typically, we don't want to provide access to the underlying Analysis classes. For instance, we would much rather pass around Lists of live locals, rather than FlowSets; we can make the Lists unmodifiable, while we're at it!
In order to do that, we wrap the Analysis object. After running the Analysis, we run through the units and map the Units in question to Lists of results. Then, we can provide accessor methods:
List lla = liveLocals.getLiveLocalsAfter(s);
An example wrapper is in appendix A.
We now have clean access to the analysis results.
Often, we want to transform all of the JimpleBody objects for a program. This can be done, first, by creating a BodyTransformer object.
public class NaiveCommonSubexpressionEliminator extends BodyTransformer { private static NaiveCommonSubexpressionEliminator instance = new NaiveCommonSubexpressionEliminator(); private NaiveCommonSubexpressionEliminator() {} public static NaiveCommonSubexpressionEliminator v() { return instance; } /** Common subexpression eliminator. */ protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options) {
The most important part of this class is the internalTransform method. It carries out the work of the transformer. There are also declared options - those that the transformer claims to understand; and default options.
The code fragment above also has code to provide a singleton object, so that we may refer to the common subexpression eliminator as NaiveCommonSubexpressionEliminator.v(), which is a Java object.
Once we have done this, we want to ensure that the transformation is triggered at the appropriate times. Soot runs a number of Packs at different stages of its execution; they are built in the PackManager's constructor. One notable Pack is the Jimple transformation pack (jtp); the user may wish to add transformations to this pack:
PackManager.v().getPack("jtp").add( new Transform("jtp.gotoinstrumenter", GotoInstrumenter.v()));
The Transform object just keeps track of the pair (phase name, transformation object). Phases are described in more detail in the document about phase options.
The approved way of extending Soot is to provide a Main class file in a custom package, say plam.Main. This class can make adjustments to the Packs contained in the PackManager, for instance adding a goto instrumentor:
public static void main(String[] args) { if(args.length == 0) { System.out.println("Syntax: java "+ "soot.examples.instrumentclass.Main --app mainClass "+ "[soot options]"); System.exit(0); } PackManager.v().getPack("jtp").add( new Transform("jtp.gotoinstrumenter", GotoInstrumenter.v())); soot.Main.main(args); }
In this lesson, we have described the Soot flow analysis framework, described how to write a Body transformer, and how to integrate all of this into the Soot framework.
/* Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Raja Vallee-Rai * * Licensed under LGPL. */ package soot.toolkits.scalar; import soot.*; import soot.util.*; import java.util.*; import soot.jimple.*; import soot.toolkits.graph.*; class SimpleLiveLocalsAnalysis extends BackwardFlowAnalysis { FlowSet emptySet; Map unitToGenerateSet; Map unitToPreserveSet; protected Object newInitialFlow() { return emptySet.clone(); } protected void flowThrough(Object inValue, Directed unit, Object outValue) { FlowSet in = (FlowSet) inValue, out = (FlowSet) outValue; // Perform kill in.intersection((FlowSet) unitToPreserveSet.get(unit), out); // Perform generation out.union((FlowSet) unitToGenerateSet.get(unit), out); } protected void merge(Object in1, Object in2, Object out) { FlowSet inSet1 = (FlowSet) in1, inSet2 = (FlowSet) in2; FlowSet outSet = (FlowSet) out; inSet1.union(inSet2, outSet); } protected void copy(Object source, Object dest) { FlowSet sourceSet = (FlowSet) source, destSet = (FlowSet) dest; sourceSet.copy(destSet); } SimpleLiveLocalsAnalysis(UnitGraph g) { super(g); // Generate list of locals and empty set { Chain locals = g.getBody().getLocals(); FlowUniverse localUniverse = new FlowUniverse(locals.toArray()); emptySet = new ArrayPackedSet(localUniverse); } // Create preserve sets. { unitToPreserveSet = new HashMap(g.size() * 2 + 1, 0.7f); Iterator unitIt = g.iterator(); while(unitIt.hasNext()) { Unit s = (Unit); BoundedFlowSet killSet = (BoundedFlowSet) emptySet.clone(); Iterator boxIt = s.getDefBoxes().iterator(); while(boxIt.hasNext()) { ValueBox box = (ValueBox); if(box.getValue() instanceof Local) killSet.add(box.getValue(), killSet); } // Store complement killSet.complement(killSet); unitToPreserveSet.put(s, killSet); } } // Create generate sets { unitToGenerateSet = new HashMap(g.size() * 2 + 1, 0.7f); Iterator unitIt = g.iterator(); while(unitIt.hasNext()) { Unit s = (Unit); FlowSet genSet = (FlowSet) emptySet.clone(); Iterator boxIt = s.getUseBoxes().iterator(); while(boxIt.hasNext()) { ValueBox box = (ValueBox); if(box.getValue() instanceof Local) genSet.add(box.getValue(), genSet); } unitToGenerateSet.put(s, genSet); } } doAnalysis(); } }
/* Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Raja Vallee-Rai * * Licensed under LGPL. */ package soot.toolkits.scalar; import soot.*; import soot.util.*; import java.util.*; import soot.jimple.*; import soot.toolkits.graph.*; /** Wrapper for Analysis class. */ public class SimpleLiveLocals implements LiveLocals { Map unitToLocalsAfter; Map unitToLocalsBefore; public SimpleLiveLocals(ExceptionalUnitGraph graph) { SimpleLiveLocalsAnalysis analysis = new SimpleLiveLocalsAnalysis(graph); // Build unitToLocals map { unitToLocalsAfter = new HashMap(graph.size() * 2 + 1, 0.7f); unitToLocalsBefore = new HashMap(graph.size() * 2 + 1, 0.7f); Iterator unitIt = graph.iterator(); while(unitIt.hasNext()) { Unit s = (Unit); FlowSet set = (FlowSet) analysis.getFlowBefore(s); unitToLocalsBefore.put(s, Collections.unmodifiableList(set.toList())); set = (FlowSet) analysis.getFlowAfter(s); unitToLocalsAfter.put(s, Collections.unmodifiableList(set.toList())); } } } public List getLiveLocalsAfter(Unit s) { return (List) unitToLocalsAfter.get(s); } public List getLiveLocalsBefore(Unit s) { return (List) unitToLocalsBefore.get(s); } }
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