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Soot 1.2.2 Performance Issues
I would like to receive input on the various ways you all have been using
Soot in projects and wheather or not you have encountered any issues with
its performance.
We are trying to use the Soot 1.2.2 API to load and instrument classes on
the fly. However, I have been constrained from using it in a practical
context by a Soot API performance bottleneck. Running on a 750 Mhz CPU with
400 MB RAM, it takes over 5 seconds to "create and set the scene":
Scene scene = Scene.v();
Also, it takes over 11 seconds to create an instance of a "SootClass":
SootClass sClass = scene.loadClassAndSupport("com.acme.Foo");
I would like to know if anyone else has encountered this performance
bottleneck or performance bottlenecks in other uses. Also, any advice on
how to overcome it is welcome.