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BOUNCE soot-list@sable.mcgill.ca: Non-member submission from [Vids Samanta <vids@cs.purdue.edu>]

>From sysadmin@sable.mcgill.ca Wed Oct  2 05:23:22 2002
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Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 04:23:21 -0500
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Subject: Soot Framework
From: Vids Samanta <vids@cs.purdue.edu>
To: soot-list@sable.mcgill.ca
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	I am planning on using the Soot framework to implement a type safe 
method inlining analysis, to determine the number of inlinable 
callsites in a java program without adding type casts. I have looked at 
most of the documentation and tutorials for Soot on the web. I found 
that it provides all the functionality I need to do my analysis, but I 
haven't been able to find some documentation on how I can plug my 
analysis into the framework. From reading the documentation and 
tutorial its my understanding that I have to use jimple to carry out my 

	The framework provides functionality to compile bytecode to jimple, 
and then run the analysis. I am not sure how exactly I need to call the 
framework with the bytecode I want to analyze, and get it to call my 
analysis on the converted jimple code.

	Also I want to run my analysis on JDK to find the number of inlinable 
callsites in JDK. Is there a tool which will take the JDK jar file and 
jimplify the classes? What happens to native calls?

	Please could you provide me with some pointers.


Best Regards,
Vidyut Samanta          www-s3.cs.purdue.edu/~samanta
             SSS  - Secure Software Systems Group
Department  of Computer  Science - Purdue  University