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Problems on using getDefBoxes() to get methods writing array fields

  I followed Ondrej's suggestions to successfully get a list of methods that write the non-array fields, but I couldn't get the methods that write the array fields (except for the constructor method). So could you help me in this? Thanks!
  For example, my code is:
  Body activeBody = method.getActiveBody();
  Iterator defBoxIt = activeBody.getDefBoxes().iterator();
  while (defBoxIt.hasNext()) {
   ValueBox box = (ValueBox) defBoxIt.next();
   Value v = box.getValue();
   System.out.println("Method: "+method.getName()+" Write All:"+ v.toString());
   if (v instanceof FieldRef) {
    FieldRef sfr = (FieldRef)v;
    SootField sf = sfr.getField();
    System.out.println("Method: "+method.getName()+" Write Field:"+ sf.getName());    
  Running it on the class in the end of this message, I got following trace:
Method: <init> Write All:r0
Method: <init> Write All:r0.<uniqueBoundedStack: int numberOfElements>
Method: <init> Write Field:numberOfElements
Method: <init> Write All:r0.<uniqueBoundedStack: int max>
Method: <init> Write Field:max
Method: <init> Write All:$i0
Method: <init> Write All:$r1
Method: <init> Write All:r0.<uniqueBoundedStack: int[] elems>
Method: <init> Write Field:elems
Method: push Write All:r0
Method: push Write All:i0
Method: push Write All:z0
Method: push Write All:i1
Method: push Write All:$r1
Method: push Write All:$i3
Method: push Write All:z0
Method: push Write All:i1
Method: push Write All:$i4
Method: push Write All:i2
Method: push Write All:$r2
Method: push Write All:$r3
Method: push Write All:$i5
Method: push Write All:$i6
Method: push Write All:$r2[i2]
Method: push Write All:i2
Method: push Write All:$i7
Method: push Write All:$i8
Method: push Write All:$r4
Method: push Write All:$i9
Method: push Write All:$i10
Method: push Write All:$r4[$i10]
Method: push Write All:$i11
Method: push Write All:$i12
Method: push Write All:$r5
Method: push Write All:$i13
Method: push Write All:$r5[$i13]
Method: push Write All:$i14
Method: push Write All:$i15
Method: push Write All:r0.<uniqueBoundedStack: int numberOfElements>
Method: push Write Field:numberOfElements
Method: push Write All:$r7
public class uniqueBoundedStack {
 private int[] elems;
 private int numberOfElements;
 private int max;
 public uniqueBoundedStack() {
  numberOfElements = 0;
  max = 2;
  elems = new int[max];
 public void push(int k) {
  int index;
  boolean alreadyMember;
  alreadyMember = false;
  for(index=0; index<numberOfElements; index++) {
   if(k==elems[index]) {
    alreadyMember = true;
  if (alreadyMember) {
   for (int j=index; j<numberOfElements-1; j++) {
    elems[j] = elems[j+1];
   elems[numberOfElements-1] = k;
  else {
   if (numberOfElements < max) {
    elems[numberOfElements] = k;
   } else {
    System.out.println("Stack full, cannot push");
>Spark doesn't keep such a summary, so you'll have to build one yourself.
>It shouldn't be too hard, though. For each method that you're interested
>1) Get its body with getActiveBody()
>2) Get the List of the body's def boxes with body.getDefBoxes()
>3) Iterate through it. Each element is a ValueBox. Get its value, and
>see if it's a StaticFieldRef.
>4) Do the same for body.getUseBoxes() (UseBoxes give values read;
>DefBoxes give values written)
>On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 04:30:58PM +0200, Richard Stahl wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to get the following info out of the Spark:
>> for all class fields of a class (classes) get all methods (and/or basic 
>> blocks) acccessing (reading and/or writing) the field, i.e., 
>> field-access summaries.
>> In case, there is not simple and straightforward way to do this: Could 
>> you, please, give me an advice (opinion) on where to start and what to 
>> use (from the SOOT/Spark API) to get this info in an efficient way?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Best regards,
>> Richard