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Re: Declaring classes of inner/anonymous classes

I searched around on the web a bit, and found something that looks
helpful. The original URL was:


Now, this takes you to a download page for a zip file of all the
1.1.8 docs, which does include the innerclasses document in it (in
docs/guide/innerclasses). Strangely enough, this document doesn't seem
to have been included with later JDKs. I don't know whether an updated
version exists.


On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 09:25:23PM +0100, Eric Bodden wrote:
> Hi - again.
> I think I asked that about a year ago already but I cannot remember, what
> the answer was:
> Is it in SOOT somehow possible to retrieve the declaring class for an inner
> or anonymous class?
> If not - what I suppose - is that just a missing SOOT functionality or is
> that a bytecode problem in general.
> And if the former is true: Would it be hard to implement that in SOOT?
> Otherwise I am getting into trouble with mapping SootMethods to Eclipse
> IMethods for such classes.
> Cheers,
> Eric