Ok, I got this problem tracked down further. I think, I missintepreted some
things. You are right: It is not related to the call graph analysis.
However there are some problems which I am not quite soure where they origin
from: A snipped from the Jimple looks like this:
void foo()
r3 = $r4;
virtualinvoke r3.<A: java.lang.String m()>();
As you can see, for some reason the virtualinvoke statement has no line
number attached. However this seems not to be a SOOT problem but rather a
bytecode problem because javap gives me the following for this method:
Method void foo()
16 aload_2
17 invokevirtual #24 <Method java.lang.String m()>
20 pop
21 return
Line numbers for method void foo()
line 24: 0
line 25: 8
line 26: 16
line 27: 21
So also here: No line number for the virtual invoke - for some reason.
Probably I should mention that the object, the method is invoked on, is a
local variable.
So in general: Do you think there is a workaround to retrieve a linenumber
or at least an approximation for such a statenment?
Thank you very much,