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Re: Where's jasmin-sable license?

W liście z śro, 21-01-2004, godz. 04:17, Navindra Umanee pisze: 
> Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org> wrote:
> > And here I have major showstopper. I was told that Jasmin's author
> > agreed to release Jasmin under LGPL which became jasmin-sable branch.
> You were told?  I found it in the README itself:
> Jasmin README file                         May 3, 2001, Patrick Lam
> Welcome to Jasmin version sable-1.1.
> This is a specialized version of jasmin which is used as a back end for the
> Soot framework.
> Note that with permission from Jonathan Meyer, this package is distributed
> under the GNU Library General Public License and so can be distributed with
> Soot.

> > However I am not able to find the license in the sources or even ex.
> > a copy of the email from the author, in which he agreed to relicense
> > his code under LGPL (not to mention that in such case the text of
> > LGPL should be included, at least into the source package).
> The text of the LGPL is indeed included in license.html.  
> Are you sure you're looking at the right package?  I downloaded it
> from:
> http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/software/jasmin-sable-1.2.jar
And here's probably the problem. The *right* package, at least for my
purpose is the SOURCE one. But if you fetch:
I bet you won't find ANY of these informations. No note that you've
just cited, no license file, no README or changes.

Logically - shouldn't the .jar, binary package be built from source
package? So unless there's some process that allows for generation of
the above notice, license file, changes and README ;-) it seems that
the source package is missing some important bits. [*]


				Grzegorz B. Prokopski

[*] Is there a Subversion repository of jasmin-sable somewhere?
I checked out soot last release tree but I couldn't find anything
remotely looking like source for jasmin, jas and cup.

Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux      http://www.debian.org
SableVM - LGPLed JVM  http://www.sablevm.org
Why SableVM ?!?       http://devel.sablevm.org/wiki/WhySableVM