Class FieldReadTagAggregator

  extended by soot.Transformer
      extended by soot.BodyTransformer
          extended by soot.tagkit.TagAggregator
              extended by soot.tagkit.ImportantTagAggregator
                  extended by soot.jimple.spark.fieldrw.FieldReadTagAggregator

public class FieldReadTagAggregator
extends ImportantTagAggregator

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class soot.tagkit.TagAggregator
tags, units
Constructor Summary
FieldReadTagAggregator(Singletons.Global g)
Method Summary
 String aggregatedName()
          Return name of the resulting aggregated tag.
static FieldReadTagAggregator v()
 boolean wantTag(Tag t)
          Decide whether this tag should be aggregated by this aggregator.
Methods inherited from class soot.tagkit.ImportantTagAggregator
Methods inherited from class soot.tagkit.TagAggregator
fini, internalTransform
Methods inherited from class soot.BodyTransformer
transform, transform, transform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FieldReadTagAggregator(Singletons.Global g)
Method Detail


public static FieldReadTagAggregator v()


public boolean wantTag(Tag t)
Decide whether this tag should be aggregated by this aggregator.

Specified by:
wantTag in class ImportantTagAggregator


public String aggregatedName()
Description copied from class: ImportantTagAggregator
Return name of the resulting aggregated tag.

Specified by:
aggregatedName in class ImportantTagAggregator