Class SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis

  extended by soot.toolkits.scalar.AbstractFlowAnalysis<N,A>
      extended by soot.toolkits.scalar.FlowAnalysis<N,A>
          extended by soot.toolkits.scalar.ForwardFlowAnalysis
              extended by soot.jimple.toolkits.infoflow.SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis
extends ForwardFlowAnalysis

Field Summary
static int counter
Fields inherited from class soot.toolkits.scalar.FlowAnalysis
filterUnitToAfterFlow, unitToAfterFlow
Fields inherited from class soot.toolkits.scalar.AbstractFlowAnalysis
filterUnitToBeforeFlow, graph, unitToBeforeFlow
Constructor Summary
  SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(UnitGraph g, InfoFlowAnalysis dfa, boolean ignoreNonRefTypeFlow)
protected SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(UnitGraph g, InfoFlowAnalysis dfa, boolean ignoreNonRefTypeFlow, boolean dummyDontRunAnalysisYet)
          A constructor that doesn't run the analysis
Method Summary
 void addToEntryInitialFlow(Value source, Value sink)
 void addToNewInitialFlow(Value source, Value sink)
protected  void copy(Object source, Object dest)
          Creates a copy of the source flow object in dest.
 void doFlowInsensitiveAnalysis()
protected  Object entryInitialFlow()
          Returns the initial flow value for entry/exit graph nodes.
protected  void flowThrough(Object inValue, Object unit, Object outValue)
          Given the merge of the out sets, compute the in set for s (or in to out, depending on direction).
 MutableDirectedGraph getMethodInfoFlowSummary()
 Value getThisLocal()
protected  void handleFlowsToDataStructure(Value base, Value initialSource, FlowSet fs)
protected  void handleFlowsToValue(Value sink, Value initialSource, FlowSet fs)
protected  List handleInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr ie, Stmt is, FlowSet fs)
protected  boolean ignoreThisDataType(Type type)
 boolean isInterestingSink(Value sink)
 boolean isInterestingSource(Value source)
protected  boolean isNonRefType(Type type)
 boolean isTrackableSink(Value sink)
 boolean isTrackableSource(Value source)
protected  void merge(Object in1, Object in2, Object out)
          Compute the merge of the in1 and in2 sets, putting the result into out.
protected  Object newInitialFlow()
          Returns the flow object corresponding to the initial values for each graph node.
Methods inherited from class soot.toolkits.scalar.ForwardFlowAnalysis
constructWorklist, doAnalysis, isForward
Methods inherited from class soot.toolkits.scalar.FlowAnalysis
constructOrderer, getFlowAfter
Methods inherited from class soot.toolkits.scalar.AbstractFlowAnalysis
getFlowBefore, merge, mergeInto, treatTrapHandlersAsEntries
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int counter
Constructor Detail


public SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(UnitGraph g,
                                    InfoFlowAnalysis dfa,
                                    boolean ignoreNonRefTypeFlow)


protected SimpleMethodInfoFlowAnalysis(UnitGraph g,
                                       InfoFlowAnalysis dfa,
                                       boolean ignoreNonRefTypeFlow,
                                       boolean dummyDontRunAnalysisYet)
A constructor that doesn't run the analysis

Method Detail


public void doFlowInsensitiveAnalysis()


public MutableDirectedGraph getMethodInfoFlowSummary()


protected void merge(Object in1,
                     Object in2,
                     Object out)
Description copied from class: AbstractFlowAnalysis
Compute the merge of the in1 and in2 sets, putting the result into out. The behavior of this function depends on the implementation ( it may be necessary to check whether in1 and in2 are equal or aliased ). Used by the doAnalysis method.

Specified by:
merge in class AbstractFlowAnalysis


protected boolean isNonRefType(Type type)


protected boolean ignoreThisDataType(Type type)


public boolean isInterestingSource(Value source)


public boolean isTrackableSource(Value source)


public boolean isInterestingSink(Value sink)


public boolean isTrackableSink(Value sink)


protected void handleFlowsToValue(Value sink,
                                  Value initialSource,
                                  FlowSet fs)


protected void handleFlowsToDataStructure(Value base,
                                          Value initialSource,
                                          FlowSet fs)


protected List handleInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr ie,
                                Stmt is,
                                FlowSet fs)


protected void flowThrough(Object inValue,
                           Object unit,
                           Object outValue)
Description copied from class: FlowAnalysis
Given the merge of the out sets, compute the in set for s (or in to out, depending on direction). This function often causes confusion, because the same interface is used for both forward and backward flow analyses. The first parameter is always the argument to the flow function (i.e. it is the "in" set in a forward analysis and the "out" set in a backward analysis), and the third parameter is always the result of the flow function (i.e. it is the "out" set in a forward analysis and the "in" set in a backward analysis).

Specified by:
flowThrough in class FlowAnalysis


protected void copy(Object source,
                    Object dest)
Description copied from class: AbstractFlowAnalysis
Creates a copy of the source flow object in dest.

Specified by:
copy in class AbstractFlowAnalysis


protected Object entryInitialFlow()
Description copied from class: AbstractFlowAnalysis
Returns the initial flow value for entry/exit graph nodes.

Specified by:
entryInitialFlow in class AbstractFlowAnalysis


protected Object newInitialFlow()
Description copied from class: AbstractFlowAnalysis
Returns the flow object corresponding to the initial values for each graph node.

Specified by:
newInitialFlow in class AbstractFlowAnalysis


public void addToEntryInitialFlow(Value source,
                                  Value sink)


public void addToNewInitialFlow(Value source,
                                Value sink)


public Value getThisLocal()